What are people saying about yoga with Peter?
“I’ve been doing the exercises you gave me faithfully every day… and I can swear that I do feel better! The shooting pain in my left arm that was giving me trouble has not happened since you told me how to do it. I’ve given up on the idea of surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome now.” –Nick N.
“Initially I was not a fan of Yoga AT ALL. But since it was to enhance my Krav training, along with my shoulder pains and recently starting a PhD program (so much anxiety), the stretches and mind-clearing techniques were much needed! I feel better walking into tough situations, calming myself and working through them. Krav training feels better too – the Yoga classes helped with shaping the mindset to learn a lot in a little time in the All-Level noon classes! They also helped me with better establishing my base in fight stances and moving around. I felt like a lopsided penguin during [Krav Maga] training, not so much anymore. I really enjoyed the program!” – Anon.
“I really enjoyed my time at yoga. I thought as a teacher you were excellent. You explained the poses well as we were doing them, highlighted what area or muscle groups should be impacted so that I had a target, and as someone who has more than one injury, I really appreciated that you explained a multitude of ways to modify different poses so that I could participate without being in pain or further exacerbating my injuries. On the other side of that, you also gave modifications so that I could get a better stretch in when I had a bit more flexibility. And while I never threw a block at you, I appreciated that it was an option for getting your attention should I have required your assistance. I had never done yoga before, so I did not really have any expectations. My intention was to get a really good stretch in and learn some yoga poses that would be particularly helpful for me so that I could do them at home, and the classes definitely met those intentions. My overall well-being and maintenance is better for having learned something new.” – Emily R.
“My hips and back actually felt great after class.” – Alexis M.
“You’ve been doing this for a while, haven’t you?” – Anon.
“Awesome class man hips already feel better.” – Jordan H.
“I have practiced yoga in many styles with many instructors, but Yin yoga with Peter is my favorite by far. He is both professional and also warm and friendly, very educated on the subject and also a natural yogi. One of the healthiest feeling and calmest moments for me each week is stepping out of Peter’s yoga class.” – Charlie S.
“I’ve had many Yoga experiences. This was Exceptional. Thank You Sir.” – Thomas R.
“Thank you. It was awesome.” – Rob Q.
“Your voice is so soothing. My hips thank you.” – Grace A.
“My hip feels better than it has in weeks. This was better than physical therapy.” – Marya K.
Note: Peter Nikolaidis is not and does not claim to be a counselor, doctor, or therapist, nor does he play one on the Internet. If you think have a serious medical condition, see your healthcare professional.